Sudoku Auto Solver
An alternative to Convolutional Neural Network solutions.
Using PuLP to create a convex optimization solver.
I have always believed that learning to ask the right questions can drive exceptional insight.
By finding the tools to frame our best questions, we can transpose curiousity into a more meaningful outcome.
In the projects below, the aim is to find the right tools to formulate more in-depth understanding
across topics of personal interest, ranging from puzzles to music.
I hope you enjoy the insights and findings from these endeavors as much as I have.
An alternative to Convolutional Neural Network solutions.
Using PuLP to create a convex optimization solver.
Constructing supervised learning methods with NumPy
broadcasting. Currently a work in progress
Pulling my listening data from Spotify's API to
explore my tastes. Currently a work in progress
Coding solutions to Jane Street's monthly technical puzzles.
Solutions have been uploaded, explanations to come July 27th